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Persuasively Smart Marketing

Project: A social media overhaul to increase presence, reach and programme engagement.

Client: A business support organisation contracted to deliver free business support programmes to SMEs.

The Challenge: Despite offering a range of free support business support programmes, awareness and take up was low and there was a significant risk that the client would fail to deliver on its contract resulting in penalties being imposed and a substantial loss. There was a 9 month window to turn this round with limited marketing investment available.

The Smart Solution - Increasing reach, frequency and impact with more regular posts targeted both geographically and at the SME audience with greater use of visuals to deliver impact.

Direct communications with strong call to actions were made less informative and more persuasive with application of behavioural economic techniques to create action. Analysis of the database delivered interesting insight on recent and frequency of the database allowing more engaged prospects to be targeted.

The Outcome - The development and execution of a Smart Marketing programme significantly increased programme engagement enabling the client to meet the terms of the contract.